Off with her Head

During the promotions of Padmavaat – there was a nationwide call for Deepika Padukone’s head for a 10 crore bounty. Now no doubt there’s a pretty head if we have ever seen one – but I doubt the call was to decorate a mantle.

Over the last few years we have been urged to procure several body parts in the interest of the nation and society.

A 21 lakh bounty was announced for the tongue of Farooq Abdullah for his pro pakistan remarks. I know one isn’t supposed to take these threats literally – but my imagination unfortunately is always literal.

One chap cut off his own finger because he mistakenly voted for Modi instead of another party which he intended to vote for. If that’s not punishing the wrong party I don’t know what is – he is punishing his index finger for listening to his brain which is still sitting pretty on his head.

Gandhi was worried about the whole world going blind… At the moment it’s one step further.

Maimed. Dumb. Blind. Deaf and mindfuckingingly stupid.

I say – if we are going to call for body parts let’s get creative AND useful.

There is Hrithik’s extra thumb. Smriti Irani’s extra pounds. For that matter call for pounds of flesh from everyone you dislike…. save everyone multiple gym subscriptions. Forget Farooq’s tongue – let’s get those gossipy aunties’ tongues. The world would be better for it.

I could also live without the following:

Lalu Prasad’s ears with the fodder growing out of them.

Kapil Sharma’s teeth – actually we could do without Kapil Sharma in totality but that’s for another day. For now those teeth.

Rakhi Sawant’s brain. Actually most politicians’ brains. Won’t even need much storage space.

The salivary glands of several people who love spitting on the road. The same people could do without a kidney or two. Less urinating on city walls.

Oh and Trump’s atrocious hair. That has to go.

We are all in agreement on this I am sure – The world will be a prettier place without that golden abomination on his head.

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